Products designed for applications of potassium during critical growth stages to maximize yield potential.
Powered by NACHURS Bio-K
NACHURS K-flex offers versatility with multiple application options and is compatible with 10-34-0, UAN, and liquid urea. This product offers applications of K & S during critical growth stages to maximize yield potential.
Contains K & S
Enhancing Treament - Strip-till - Side dress - Foliar
Powered by NACHURS Bio-K
NACHURS K-fuel is a versatile source of potassium for growers requiring higher levels of available K. This product allows applications of potassium during critical growth stages to maximize yield potential.
Contains K
Enhancing Treament - Strip-till - Side dress - Foliar - Fertigation
Powered by NACHURS Bio-K
NACHURS K-fuse is specially formulated to be blended with UAN. This product allows for more K & S to be supplied per acre with UAN, helping maximize yield potential.
Powered by NACHURS Bio-K
NACHURS Rhyzo-Link 0-0-15 is proprietary technology containing Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) paired with premium K fertilizer. Rhyzo-Link 0-0-15 delivers the highest concentration of pure culture, multi-strain rhizobacteria. This product increases soil and plant health benefits resulting in maximum yield potential.
Contains K and S
In-furrow - Fertigation - Foliar
Contact an Advanced Adjuvants Sales Rep for specific recommendations on products.