Adjuvants are used extensively when making all types of spray applications to crops. These applications could be applied through aerial or ground application. Adjuvants are the piece of the spray solution that enhances the performance of all the products inside. Adjuvants are becoming more and more important as growers try to control costs. Growers are trying to save time and money by increasing the number of products that go into each tank. This over addition of products can lead to antagonism and the applications not performing as anticipated. This is where the correct selection of an adjuvant comes in.
Adjuvants come in all shapes and sizes depending on the job they are required to do. A very common need is the surfactant, which allows for the spray droplet to more easily spread on the leaf surface. This increased leaf surface contact allows for better absorption into the plant of the entire spray solution. Examples of these products in our portfolio are Kovar Flair NS™ and Kovar Exalt HSO™. Other times, drift of the spray solution of the target crop, by wind or inversion, can be a problem for growers. This is when a Drift Reduction Agent (DRA) can be crucial to the tank mix. Example of that product is our Kovar Ampio DR™.
While single use products have their place to save time and money as we previously stated, multi-use products are becoming increasing popular. Kovar Fortitude SR™ is a DRA and soil retention product. This product is applied with your pre‑emergent herbicide extending its efficacy beyond its normal residual by an additional 20–40 days. This can give crops a leg up on weed competition and allow them to out compete the weeds for vital nutrients, especially at early growth periods when root structure is minimal. Certain herbicides like Round Up and Liberty require, by label, a nitrogen load to be applied with them for activity. The requirement is met with our Kovar Condition CS™ product. Kovar Condition CS is a multi-functioning product, with the nitrogen component and a product like Kovar Flair NS (Non-Ionic Surfactant) for better absorption.
Our final product, which is being launched for this 2022 growing season–specifically to meet new requirements for dicamba applications–is Kovar Force VR™. It is now required, per the label of dicamba, that you must have a volatility reduction agent (VRA) in the spray solution to prevent it from volatilizing into the atmosphere and drifting to neighboring crops. Kovar Force VR is a VRA/DRA/Water Conditioner/Non‑Ionic Surfactant all in one jug. Overall, the new adjuvant line offers Nachurs Alpine Solutions as a company, a way to increase their value to their current agri-business customers by increasing our product offerings.
Contact an Advanced Adjuvants Sales Rep for specific recommendations on products.